
Dengie & District

Welcome to the Dengie & District u3a Website

The Dengie Hundred is the peninsula of land to the east of Chelmsford, Essex lying between the river Crouch to the south, and river Blackwater to the north. It incorporates the towns of Maldon and Burnham-on-Crouch and the many surrounding villages.

The u3a is a movement promoting the values of lifelong learning in a friendly and informal environment, and is open to all in their “third age” which is not defined by a specific age but by a time in life by which full time employment has ceased.

Members form interest groups covering as wide a range of topics and activities as they desire, drawing upon their knowledge and experience to teach and learn from each other. Learning is for its own sake with enjoyment being the prime motive rather than any formal qualifications.

The Dengie & District u3a was formed in 2013 and we now have around 100 members and a good selection of interest groups. Members can belong to as many interest groups as they like. For further information click on Groups and choose a group in which you may be interested. Suggestions for new groups are always welcome.

Upcoming Events

  • June General Meeting

    Richard Marks "Operation Overlord" - a talk about the preparations and plans in the few days leading up to the D Day invasion.

  • Annual General Meeting

    Annual General Meeting: After the AGM we will be having a Cream Tea and an opportunity to chat!

  • August General Meeting

    Ian Davison on Competitions, entering, and how to win. An interactive talk which includes stories, quizzes and prizes.